Class Schedule
2025 NCET List of Classes
Capture the Flag Tools (Introduction)
VMware Alternatives
Cyber Security trends - Nationally
Clear Touch - Demo and Maintenance
AI - Cory Rankin
Infinite Campus
Network Management Automation
What's new in Windows 11 - 24h2
Free Tools
From the Classroom to the browser to the in box - classroom management
The keys to winning the day, with honor and growth.
AI Instructional Component / NCDPI
Town Hall / NCET Business/ Round Table
OSINT - an updated version
Basic VLAN's and Switching (answering Why's)
CTF Kickoff (Support)
Google drive organization
KnowBe4 - Google Provisioning and AI Automation features
Helene Recovery - Panel Discussion
How to build and administer an Internal TTX in PSUs
Mini Round Table (Google)
Mini Round Table (Physical Security)
Mini Round Table (Cyber Security)
Mini Round Table (Devices)
Aruba End-to-End connectivity
Copper Cabling
Proactive cyber security and safety for schools
How to be a successful member of you IT Department (30 Years later)
DNS Security
KNC-Corning Fiber
Classlink - One sync
Passwords, Password Managers, and Passkeys - new presentation that outlines the "new" passkey stuff in comparison to traditional passwords, password managers, and MFA things
Email Troubleshooting (Recover from Spoofing)
Apple Caching
Struggle is Continuing
***Classes are subject to change. Days and times for classes will be listed in packet at the NCET conference.***